SETELIA is committed to fighting all forms of discrimination and promoting diversity alongside the 3,800 signatories to the Diversity Charter.
We strongly believe that diversity is a major economic and social issue. The signature of this charter reflects our desire to place human relationships at the heart of our strategy.
For these different reasons, SETELIA formalizes its commitment to diversity by signing the 6 points that compose the Diversity Charter.
1) Educate our managers and executives involved in recruitment, training and career management, and then gradually all employees, on the challenges of non-discrimination and diversity.
2) Promote the application of the principle of non-discrimination in all its forms in all management and decision-making actions of the company or organisation, and in particular in all stages of HR management.
3) Promote the representation of the diversity of French society in all its differences and wealth, its cultural, ethnic and social components, within the workforce and at all levels of responsibility.
4) Share our commitment with all our employees, customers, partners and suppliers to encourage them to respect and implement these guidelines.
5) Create an area for social dialogue with employee representatives through the development and implementation of the diversity policy.
6) Regularly assess the progress made, inform both internally and externally of the practical results of the implementation of our commitments.
About the Diversity Charter
The idea of a Charter was launched in january 2004 in a report published by the Institut Montaigne, “Les oubliés de l’égalité des chances“. On October 22nd, thirty-three pioneering companies committed to promoting equal employment opportunities by signing the Diversity Charter drafted by Claude BEBEAR, Yazid SABEG, Laurence MEHAIGNERIE.
The Charter now has 3,800 signatories (companies, public institutions, associations, local authorities, etc.). Its objective is to capitalize on its 6 initial commitments, meet the new challenges of organizations and continue to be a driving force in the development of diversity.
For more information: www.charte-diversité.com